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Drum roll please, duh duh duh duh duh, the Big Reveal! I am so excited to show you my finished closet! This is the ultimate Ikea PAX hack because it takes something relatively inexpensive and makes it look fabulous and custom. If you want to know how we made it look so amazing, check out this post. Let’s go on a tour…
John’s Side
Moving from right to left we have:
- Rack for shirts. Dress shirts hang here.
- Pull-out tie and belt holder. There are two of these and we use one to hold belts and the other to hold ties.
- Pull-out pants hanger. You can fit about 36 pair of pants on this baby!
- Shoe shelves. These shelves are not actually Ikea. We had this space left between the two frames and it was perfect for shoes, so we built them out of plywood and faced them with trim for a seamless look. Each shelf hold two pairs of shoes.
- Rack for shirts. Golf shirts hang here.
- Drawers. These drawers are super wide and deep so they hold a ton. I used the Konmari folding technique and was able to get all of these t-shirts in one drawer!
- Shelves for storage. These are not Ikea either. We had that weird space above that half-wall thingy. Turns out it holds a laundry basket perfectly, so that’s where I keep it, as well as sweaters and sweatshirts and the all-important cowboy hat.
Kim’s Side
I couldn’t fit my entire side into one picture. My photography skills leave something to be desired, but I didn’t want that to keep me from sharing! Anyway, moving from right to left…
- Rack for long clothes. Dresses and sports coats go here.
- Boot storage. We added this cool shelf to keep my boots together.
- Rack for tops. This is for my long-sleeved things. You might notice that I arrange things by color. It really helps for putting outfits together.
- Drawers. These drawers hold so much that the bottom one is actually empty! I keep underwear, socks, pajamas, workout clothes and t-shirts here.
- Rack for tops. Short sleeves, tanks and camis live here.
- Pull-out pants hanger. Slacks, jeans and skirts go here. I love that you can see everything so clearly.
- Shelves. Handbags and shoes go here and these are Ikea shelves.
Check out this awesome jewelry box! It’s not Ikea, I got it on Amazon and I absolutely love it. Not only does it hold all of my jewelry, I have room for more! It’s also lighted and lined with velvet. The best part is that you can see everything you have. My old jewelry box had a bunch of drawers so that you couldn’t see anything. That meant I only wore about three pieces because I left them out. If you want one too, click here.
What’s Next?
After getting everything loaded in, I realize that I need a chandelier. I mean, really, this gorgeous space is chandelier-worthy. That ugly florescent fixture really needs to go. Kind of thinking something like this. It’s sparkly and would cover the holes from the old fixture.
I also want to add valet rods. They would be great when you’re packing or styling an outfit.
Well, that wraps up the amazing Ikea PAX hack tour. Have I mentioned how much I love my closet? Having a beautiful, organized closet makes everything from getting dressed to doing laundry so much better. If you’re considering taking the plunge and doing your closet, you might be interested in my free printable closet planner! Click here to subscribe to my newsletter and get access to an amazing, free resource library.

I have major closet envy. Those pants racks are so so clever!
I love them!
Wow! I have been thinking about doing something like this in my daughters room. I think this will be perfect!!!!!!
She’ll love it!
It looks so great Kim! Woohoo!! Oh and I love that jewelry box! How clever is that:)
Thanks! I love it!
This is super nice! Not only does it look good, but it’s awesome for those of us with serious organization issues. I absolutely love it AND the jewelry box! Jealous!
Nicole |
Thanks, Nicole! I really love it!
Hi Kim, I recently did a whole dressing room with pax and a few other bits from other stores, and now it feels like a luxury boutique, just a thought tho, in ikea you can get little plugs that fit into the holes in the sides of the wardrobe and it makes a huge difference to the look and feel when you don’t have to look at all those holes, easy to pop in(literally) and can easily be removed if you decide to change your shelves around but it really gives it a high end luxe look, check them out, only a couple of $s for 50 and I just do it when I have 10mins to spare admiring my new dressing room (which I don’t share! Hubby gets spare wardrobe!)
Thanks for the amazing tip, Lisa! That would really dress it up to have the holes hidden.
This is amazing! I would love to do something like this…my closet is tricky in that there is a section to the left and to the right PAST where the doors open so you can only angle things at a 90 degree angle or you won’t be able to access them. The space is also significant…several feet long. Any thoughts on what you would put there?
Sonia, is this a walk-in? I’m having a hard time picturing it. Can you send me a picture? I would be happy to take a look. You can send it via email if you like,, or post it here.
I’m planning a PAX closet for my post-reno walk-in closet – 6’ x 6’. I know what elements I want but wasn’t sure how to put it together. Your photos have really helped. I plan to add valet rods as well. Love to use them when packing for a trip or planning an outfit.
Also appreciate the hacked shelf to deal with the unused space.
Thank you!
Isn’t IKEA awesome?! Good luck on your closet!
I love this- were about to do the exact same thing!! My only question is: did you guys put the carpet back yourself or did you have to hire it out?
I hired someone to come in and do it. You need a carpet stretcher to do it right. I think it cost about $100. Good luck with your project!
Looks really great! I’m thinking about doing something similar with my Pax, but I have a problem with the vertical trims, because I would need small trims to add to a single closet wall edge and double wide trims to add where two closet walls meet and I’m not sure how to solve that: just use different trims? Let trims stand out a little bit? How did you install the vertical ones?
We used a nail gun. Our trim comes over the edge of the Pax about 1/4 inch. Good luck!
I love what you’ve done! I’m planning to renovate my closet. Question, is this a walk in or did you have doors?
I want to put an IKEA in my exiting closet but need doors and Ikea sizes don’t match with my space?? An ideas?
It’s a walk in. Does your current closet have doors? The Pax can fit inside most closets and still allow you to use the regular doors.
I love this! I recently installed my Pax this weekend and am looking to fill an 8 in gap between the units. I’d love to hear more about how you built the custom shoe shelves?
John measured his tallest pair of shoes, then divided the space evenly. He built a jig to make it easier to get each shelf at the right height. He used primed white pine 1” boards for the shelves.
Hope your new closet is amazing!
That’s great! How did you guys secure the shelves?
We used a nail gun and nailed into the side of the shelf, through the Pax.
Hi Kim I am in the process of doing this for our walk in closet. While looking through your post and comparing to mine it seems like your ceilings must be 9’ to have the room to put them on a platform. Is this the case or am I missing something? Thanks for the help!
How much did you spend on the closet system. I’m getting ideas for our master closet.
All together, we probably spent about $3,000. We kind of lost trach with all of the trips to Lowe’s getting one more thing… The PAX itself was about $1200.
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It’s absolutely beautiful and soooo functional! You seem to have thought of everything! I will definitely give it a try in the future, as we will be downsizing and moving in the next year. You definitely need a chandelier, find a pretty one on Amazon. Good luck!
Thx for sharing
Thanks, Stephanie! I’m thinking about doing my pantry next.
Thanks for sharing! So amazing 🙂
How noticeable are the seams in the back of the Pax units? I just ordered 6 of them and I am wondering if I should paint the walls with a white eggshell and not put the backs on. I plan on putting a piece on top and crown molding all around the ceiling so they look built in. Would appreciate you opinion. Can’t wait to build my bases, your install site was great.
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did you have a pax code for this closet?
Hi, for your custom built shelves and your finished face boards, trim, etc, did you nail or screw into the PAX units? Or did you build between them in a way that you never had to secure the trim/face boards to the PAX particle board stuff?
We are working on a project and would like to know if PAX can stand up to any attachment, and if so what kind worked for you?
Thanks. Looks good!
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