Are you spending too much on groceries? If your family is anything like mine, food is the largest part of your budget that you can actually reduce. You may not be able to cut back your internet or electric bills by much, but you CAN save on groceries every, single week without using coupons!
I’ve rounded up my best 11 tips just for you!
No. 1 Create a Meal Plan
Making a meal plan doesn’t have to be an elaborate process. You can just jot down the meals you plan on making for the next week. For more info on meal planning, click here and here. Planning means not having to make multiple trips to the grocery store for more ingredients.
Bonus Tip: Every time you walk through those doors, you will spend more money, so go as little as possible.
No. 2 Cook From Scratch
Using processed and pre-made food not only costs more, but it can be really unhealthy. Save yourself from reading all the tiny print on labels and make it from scratch so you know what’s going in!
No. 3 Make a List
This may be the most important tip I have for you! Even if you’re just running in for a few things, make a list. A list will keep you focused and make sure you get everything you need. After you make your meal plan, make a list with ingredients for each meal, plus snacks and pantry staples. Just use my super cute, “Honey, I’m Going to the Store!” grocery list. Don’t have one? Just click here and pop in your email address for instant access to the entire free resource library!
No. 4 Don’t Shop Hungry
I really can’t stress this enough. The other day, I was under a time crunch so I went to the grocery store on my way home from school drop-off in the morning. Of course, I had not eaten breakfast yet and was STARVING! You should have seen my cart! Bark thins, potato chips, Extra Toasty Cheez-Its, ice cream sandwiches…it was crazy. None of these things were on my list and I probably spent an extra $25 on junk food alone. It’s super hard to save on groceries when you’re tossing extras in right and left.
No. 5 Go It Alone
If at all possible, go grocery shopping alone. It will be faster, easier and cheaper. It’s so hard to stay focused when somebody is whining about not getting the pink balloon last time. I know it’s tough when you have littles at home but maybe you can trade off with a friend and one can watch the kids while the other shops. Or go after the kids are in bed. The store will be nearly empty at 9:00 pm!
No. 6 Go Meatless
Having one meatless meal a week can really help you save on groceries. Of course this is easy if you’re e a vegan, but even carnivores can go without meat for a night. I make an enchilada casserole with rice, beans, canned tomatoes, green peppers, onions, enchilada sauce and cheese that my family loves. I don’t have an actual recipe or I would share! Just saute the onions and peppers, stir in cooked rice, a can of beans and the rest of the ingredients and dump it in a casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.
No. 7 Buy Store Brands
Brand loyalty can cost you. Lots of store brands are actually manufactured by brands that you would recognize. The HT Traders line at Harris Teeter is really good and I actually prefer it to other brands. Some things you can’t mess with, like Duke’s mayonnaise, but you won’t even be able to tell the difference in others.
No. 8 Check the Per Unit Price
Stores can be sneaky! When you’re looking for deals, make sure you compare the per unit price to get the best value.
No. 9 Store Rewards Cards
Use the rewards cards. Do you really care if the store is tracking your spending habits? Even if they’re selling it to spies, I’m okay with that. With some cards, you will get exclusive deals and earn points towards free stuff. You may even get emails telling you what’s on special each week. This info is gold for meal planning!
No. 10 Follow on Social Media
Harris Teeter has unadvertised deals that they share only on Facebook. What’s one more ad in your feed when you might actually save money instead of spending it?!
No. 11 Digital Coupons
I know, I know! I said no coupons needed! BUT, you don’t actually have to clip digital coupons and remember to bring them to the store, then remember to hand them to the checker. With digital coupons, you can click on them and add them to your rewards card so they are automatically applied. I’m not a fan of coupons, but even I can use this system!
For more tips on grocery shopping, check out my post here. Don’t forget to snag your free, printable meal planning bundle!

Awesome post, Kim! That enchilada casserole is inspiring LOL! Who knew a total ‘aside’ would impress me so much! I might tweak it a bit for WW points, but most of the stuff is ‘free’! And that unit price tip… gold! I’ve found what you said to be true, time and time again! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Happy Mothers Day, Julie! Have a great weekend!